Gaiscioch Select Chapter


Helldivers II
Throne and Liberty
Stardew Valley
Chrono Odyssey
Pax Dei
Dune Awakening
Once Human
Albion Online
Camelot Unchained
- Full List -
Chapter 8:
Conqueror's Blade (2019)
Chapter 7:
New World (2021)
Chapter 6:
World of Warcraft: Classic (2019)
Chapter 5:
Elder Scrolls Online (2014)
Chapter 4:
Guild Wars 2 (2012)
Chapter 3:
RIFT (2011)
Chapter 2:
Warhammer Online (2008)
Chapter 1:
Dark Age of Camelot (2001)


137 Tuatha Guilds:
8,445 Members:
13,949 Characters:
11,709 Items:

I . . . Left . . . .'er

By: Caellius

It be startin' like any other day. That manlin' Breel and meself headin' out ta crack some Green Skin 'eads. Oi - what a time the two of us be havin' - when yas put that daughter o' Sigmar next ta be Axe o' Grimnir - nothin' be stoppin' us.

I be always tellin' Breel that I be rather goin' down underneath th' blades an' teeth o' th' enemy than let them take 'er down un-challenged. I be not doin' that fer every pansy manlin' out there - but she be proven 'er self more tha' once ta me.

I first be seein' her when she was a wee lass - short in strength but she be strong in 'er faith in Sigmar - an' there ne'er was a better example of a Dwarf Friend - tha' Sigmar . . . From 'er early days she be a dwarf friend - through an' through. I knew tha' this be a manlin' I could stan' by - that I could be callin' "Dwarf Friend".

We's deep inta Gunbad - cleanin' out them nasty Green Skins tha' be infestin' tha' place when a call went out. "Green Skins be assaultin' Bugman's - they be takin' our brew!" - I kinna be havin' tha' - an' I be runnin' fer th' exit - be needin' to save tha' tasty brew I did.

I . . . . left . . . . 'er

She be not seein' tha' call ta arms. She continued ta assualt the greenies in Gunbad - assumin' - NAYE - expectin' - I would be there ta protect 'er. In me hast - I dinna even notice tha' she not be followin'. It not be until I be liberatin' Bugman's that I noticed. "Where she be I wondered?"

I called out fer her - and no answer. I be runnin' back ta Gunbad - me heart sinkin' - had I failed in me responsibility? Did I leave 'er - a true Dwarf Friend behind?

I burst inta Gunbad and there she be - at th' feet o' a Rune Priest. One look from 'er be all I needed ta know I betrayed 'er trust. She 'ad fallen to the green masses - an' I not be there to fall with 'er. That was our oath - if'n we die - we die with our weapons in our hands an' a battle hymn on our lips.

I . . . . . left . . . . . 'er

No matter tha' the reasonin' be sound. No matter tha' I thought she be behin' me . . No matter - I failed in me Oath.

I . . . . . . left . . . . . 'er

It be time fer me ta leave - an' attone th' only way I be knowin' how. Today Whorren - Iron Breaker of the Gaiscioch Na Anu is no more. Today I be enterin' th' Temple o' th' Slayer. In death I be findin' peace.

I . . . . . . left . . . . . 'er - an' tha' be tha'

