To join the Gaiscioch Family you must have a key (Secret Word aka Verbal Captcha) to our door. The key is only obtainable by contacting an existing member of the family. Now if you are playing one of the titles that we are playing this is as easy as asking a member for an invite and looking to the MOTD for the key for registration. If you do not play a game we are currently playing but wish to join the family, well that can be solved by using the form below. Our elders will look over your message and if you seem like Gaiscioch material we'll send you the key to get you started.
This process is mostly to prevent spammers from getting into our system so please don't think you need to have a resume ready. This isn't a job, this is a hobby. Hobbies should not require resumes. We don't care if your the best in the game or the worst in the game, or how many insane bosses have you conquered. We are more interested in who the person behind the screen is and what they want to achieve with their time with us. Skill, Experience, Playtime, Commitment, are not factors in recruitment. We want people with families, with outside hobbies, stories to tell, girlfriends, boyfriends, many friends, doesn't matter to us. We want People, not players or characters.
If you've gotten this far, then I can tell your intrigued by our system. As I ask most folks looking for a guild that contact me. What do you want with a guild? Because if what you want isn't what we can provide you wont be doing yourself service by joining. Whether your a member of our family or not we welcome you to join us at all our events and activities. We do not restrict to "guild only", or restrict who can and can't participate in our community events. The key to our success is player satisfaction. If your just looking for a house or guild to exist in then we might not be the best place for you. If your looking for a home or family to thrive in then we are for you.
If you were a member of one of our chapters in the past, you do not need to request to join again. Simply login to your original Gaiscioch.com account and resume play where you left off. Our community does not purge members who have been away. Accounts remain active until a member requests them to be deleted. Simply login, and join the chapters and games you wish to play.
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