Gaiscioch Select Chapter


Path of Exile 2
Once Human
Delta Force
Camelot Unchained
Ashes of Creation
Chrono Odyssey
Dune Awakening
Light No Fire
Royal Quest Online
Final Fantasy XIV
- Full List -
Chapter 8:
Conqueror's Blade (2019)
Chapter 7:
New World (2021)
Chapter 6:
World of Warcraft: Classic (2019)
Chapter 5:
Elder Scrolls Online (2014)
Chapter 4:
Guild Wars 2 (2012)
Chapter 3:
RIFT (2011)
Chapter 2:
Warhammer Online (2008)
Chapter 1:
Dark Age of Camelot (2001)


138 Tuatha Guilds:
9,109 Members:
13,758 Characters:
11,709 Items:

The Gaiscioch Lifestyle & Beliefs

The Gaiscioch Family is relaxed in approach and we allow our members the freedom to play how they want, when they want, as long as they want. We do not require attendance, or have quotas. We allow our members to try other guilds if they so desire and treat them as family even still. The Gaiscioch is not about what tag is above a characters head. It is about showing people a good time, making friends and memories. Even if that means that a person joins another guild in game. Player satisfaction is the single most important goal.

As long as a member abides by our code of conduct, inside or out of our family we allow them to join and leave as often as they like and even allow them to use our websites participation and leadership system as well as the marketplace. Many of our family have later become guild leaders of their own and often find themselves joining our Tuatha. We are pleased to assist members in forming their own guilds and support them in doing so.

Focused on Community not Exclusivity

The Gaiscioch is focused on community building and does not run "Guild Only" events. Our events are public and open to all on the server. Those who choose to lead dungeon's and raids are encouraged to bring outside members of the community. We assist in teaching other guilds how to overcome obstacles and even help them complete quests of their own. Our goal is not to be the biggest most terrifying group of elitists on the server. It is the community that goes to the end of the world trying to make new members feel welcome. Our focus is on the entire server community not just those who choose to wear our tag.

Code of Conduct

The family is derived of strong Celtic values. Many of the rules and guidelines for families stem back to the ancient Celtic Tribes of 600 BC. The Gaiscioch Family follow their own code of conduct which is outlined in the following topics:

House Rules

1. Blades Out, Not In

This is an ancient Celtic family rule, which states that one member of the family shall not turn their blade on their family. Hate and Rage are to be pointed outwardly at the foes invading our lands. Love and Companionship are to be pointed inward at the family. Attacking a member of the family verbally or physically can result in dismissal and will be dealt with swiftly by each family leader. At no time should one verbally attack another member of the family.

This rule does not apply to PvP situations. When you find each other on a battlefield if it's red it's dead. This is considered friendly sparing. Conduct yourself as kin to your foe and let them resurrect and heal before you engage again. Display honor to all of your foes and never spawn camp or go out of your way to make someone's experience miserable.

Family Etiquette

1. Think We, Not Me

When asking for help from the family try to avoid wording your request as such that you are asking someone to do the work for you. A statement such as "Can someone help me with this quest?" is a request, however a by rewording your statement to "I am organizing a group for this quest, If you are interested let me know." you create an invitation. Both mean the exact same thing however one expresses that you are looking out for your family not just for yourself. This in turn will encourage shared adventures. After all, a family is not about you or I, it's about us.

2. Power Leveling: Rush through Life, Rush into Death

Once upon a time a really loving family leader thought it a good idea to help a young man learn faster. He went from being level 10 to being level 40 over the course of less than one month. Soon came a day that this young lady asked the lad to meet her in Howth. The lad replied, "Where's Howth?" She then said, "take a horse from Magmell to Howth." He replied, "Where's Magmell?" The lady then realized that the lad had little to any real understanding of his environment. She had thrown this lad into the wild without letting him completely learn his surroundings or develop his skills, which in turn crippled his ability to effectively enjoy the life in which he had developed. The Moral of the story is Rush through life, and ye will rush into death. Though it may seem better to learn quicker yet in the end the only thing you do is harm yourself. It is with this that we discourage power leveling. Groups should be formed using members that are able to hold their own way. If someone offers to help ye gain a level or two it should be considered a gift not a responsibility.

3. Conversation, Language, and Conduct

We began as a roleplay guild so we naturally welcome roleplay but have learned that forcing roleplay upon people does not always result in the best experience. We are all about having fun and having fun with others.

The Gaiscioch Family is a family friendly environment. We ask that display a respectful tone to your fellow members and refrain from improper communications through guild, alliance, and Discord chat. We ask that you refrain from vulgarities and topics that would make difficult conversations to parents with nearby children. If you know you have an issue keeping it clean we ask that you join one of our many 18+ channels.

In addition we refrain from toxic behavior such as trolling, insulting, or other negative/anti-community building chat in public chat channels. A Gaiscioch must act with honor, speak respectfully, and display integrity at all times. Every member is a voice of our family and any mistake is made by all.
