Gaiscioch Select Chapter


Blood of Steel
Helldivers II
Throne and Liberty
Stardew Valley
Chrono Odyssey
Pax Dei
Dune Awakening
Once Human
Albion Online
- Full List -
Chapter 8:
Conqueror's Blade (2019)
Chapter 7:
New World (2021)
Chapter 6:
World of Warcraft: Classic (2019)
Chapter 5:
Elder Scrolls Online (2014)
Chapter 4:
Guild Wars 2 (2012)
Chapter 3:
RIFT (2011)
Chapter 2:
Warhammer Online (2008)
Chapter 1:
Dark Age of Camelot (2001)


137 Tuatha Guilds:
8,444 Members:
13,895 Characters:
11,709 Items:

A Long, Long Time Ago, In A Server, Far, Far... Dead... ;)

By: Celebtyr

Well hell... seems like forever since release eh...? Celebtyr is the re-encarnation of my very first char, Anarion (yeah, name filter bugged out and let me get away with this name :) on the long dead Ulthuan Server. It was kinda fun, though more frustrating than anything else. Destro was overpopulated, and we always had at least a 3:1 ratio on ORvR lakes at all times.
Nonetheless, i've kept trying, eventually making it to 40. Then... what happened? Nothing. At all. T4 in Ulthuan was pretty much dead, several of the dungeons, instances, etc, etc, etc, didn't exist, and, given the completelly inbalanced demographic distribution between factions, most people started quitting, my old guild, Shadow Dragons among then.
Right then, i was about to come back to Brazil after an year in Perth, Western Australia, so, adding that to the underpopulated order side, and me being fed up of playing mostly alone, plus a massive burn out with the MMO genre, thanks to SOE *BEEP*ing up Nerf Wars... er... swg, beyond all repair, i just up and quit.
that was what... October 2008 or so. Earlier i think, but, as usual, my memory is being the usual uncooperative twit and failing me big time lol.
Anyway, from there on, i've been playing mostly single player games, staying away from MMOs as nothing hit me fancy. I've kept up with the news thanks to never remembering to unsubscribbing to the news letter, but even then, the changes didn't look promising enough to warrant a resub.
Until Seabhran, newly inducted to the lowliest of vices that is MMORPG, got interested in WAR, thanks to me and a couple of friends chatting about the virtues of WAR, on a pause during an RPG session (the real one. Pen and Paper :P Perchance, i think it was during one of my Warhammer Fantasy Roleplay games... or was it a Pendragon one...: gah!!!). Anyway, we've managed to impress him enough that he actually redeemed himself ditching woe of warcraft to have a go at WAR, thanks to the Endless Trials.
Needless to say that he feel in love for this game, with a passion that only people who knows him IRL can understand, and decided to send me and a couple friends an invite so we could check it out, after so long away.
I've got mine, ressurected my account just to find out all my T4s from Ulthuan vanished from their storage. Even from the backups...
At first, i've felt like getting into one hell of a coursing rant, ask Seabhran about those, they aren´t pretty lol. Then it struck me that i've been away from this game for *over* an year, so, not only could i remember shit about the gameplay, but there had been a metric fuckton of changes i hadn't seen, nor had the time to acquint myself with, so, wth...
Losing all my several (*cough*3*cough*) T4s ended up being a good thing, as it forced me to roll new chars (*cough*transfersomelowliesfromMagnusandGorfang*cough*) and grind me way up so i could relearn the game.
At this point, i've had joined Seabhran on Green Lantern Corps, and kept with them for a short while, until he got invited to Gaiscioch na anu, dragging me along with him, so to speak, and... well... think i'll resub on a 6 months basis... :)
Anyway, really glad to be back to the game and seeing it so alive (too much even, as attested on the last two T2 events LOL) and even happier about joining this guild.
More than population and game balance issues, more than any other of the reasons for me leaving all that while ago, my major point to quit the game was the lack of a sense of community as i used to have on my old SWG guild, back 6,7 years ago. Something i'm starting to get again in the Tuatha.
Slaint mates ;)
