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Blood of Steel
Helldivers II
Throne and Liberty
Stardew Valley
Chrono Odyssey
Pax Dei
Dune Awakening
Once Human
Albion Online
- Full List -
Chapter 8:
Conqueror's Blade (2019)
Chapter 7:
New World (2021)
Chapter 6:
World of Warcraft: Classic (2019)
Chapter 5:
Elder Scrolls Online (2014)
Chapter 4:
Guild Wars 2 (2012)
Chapter 3:
RIFT (2011)
Chapter 2:
Warhammer Online (2008)
Chapter 1:
Dark Age of Camelot (2001)


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11,709 Items:

A Tale Of Legends Bold And Treasures Ancient Pt 1

By: Kilashandra

It was a warm, comfortable day in Divintiy's Reach. Workers traversed the town, merchants sold their wares, and everywhere there was a feeling of anticipation. It seems the Queen was preparing for a celebration, no doubt to honor stories and legends of brave Humans an Norn who had given their lives to aid the Human's Call. I had come in search of clues and tales about a Scritt i had heard tales of during my adventures in Southsun. The tales had managed to stir the soul of a hunter, and such rampant theft must be ended. I had come to prepare for another grand hunt. Approaching the merchants quarters, i noticed a huge amount of traffic from young humans, all of whom seemed to be in awe of something called "fog", and having seen it. Being from the Shiverpeakes, I was naturally curious as to what would make a natural occurrence so special. Approaching the gateway to Queensdale, I noted that while details on my prey were scarce, The Humans in the area seemed to hold this "fog" in a rather pecular esteem. even the seraph in the area were noticeably affected by it's presence. I decided to forgo my quest, and look into this.

Venturing through the gate, i came upon a sight that could rival the splendor of a sing held at the statue of Wolf in Holbrek. It seems several adventurers had gathered near the tavern. As i approached, I could clearly see signs that a hunt was about to begin. Asking around the assembled group, I could find few details of the prey, or even what they were seeking. The shamans of Raven would have been proud of the responses I head that day, as they were more confusing than a riddle from Raven Herself. It seemed that a great number had gathered to follow this fog, yet none seemed to know where they were going, or why. I began to wonder if Raven was not using them for his amusement. As I continued to seek meaning for this gathering, I found myself frequently praying for Wolf's wisdom, and Snow Leopards patience, as the clearest answer I received was from an adventurer named Rakarrak Burdony, who said "I'm not really sure what we're doing, but i'm going to stab someone".

Clearly, this fog was a creation of Jormag, and was to be destroyed. I decided to join the hunt, and bring the wrath of Bear himself upon this foul servant of Jormag. I noticed several Norn among the group, and knew the spirits would be well served during this adventure. I even heard mention of the Asuran Mesmer Kali Rose, further proof that all of Tyria stood united against the fog. as the midday hour approached, there seemed to be evidence of the fog's arrival, as several adventurers were transformed in strange, and sometimes hideous creatures. I clearly saw one poor human turned into a moa, another a cow, yet another a chicken, and the transformations continued. Norns became stone statues, Asurans were made tall, and the list of atrocities continued on for what seemed like hours. Worse yet, the insidious spell caused several transformed to begin battle with one another, while those closest to them yet unaffected began to cheer as if they were watching a Gladiatorial spectacle from Lion's Arch.

It was then that a Human Mesmer appeared to quell the disruption. With a wave of his scepter, all cherring stopped, and those transformed returned to their natural state. Calling everyone to attention, he stated that we would begin our days adventure. This was truly a human of note. He carried himself with the human air of nobility, yet spoke with an authority most commonly found only at the highest levels of the Seraph. Immediately, he was beset by messengers begging more time for their employers to arrive, Wives begging for aid in finding lost children, or wayward husbands, Norn offering their fealty and lifelong service to his cause, and Charr begging to be admitted to his warband. With some reluctance, Lord Ethan, (as i had heard him called by many a messenger), stated that we must begin, lest the servants of Jormag spread their evil influence elsewhere. Summoning a great portal which rent the very air itself, he beckoned everyone to step through so the adventure could begin. I stepped through the portal and into adventure.

Arriving at our destination, I discovered that i had arrived in Frozen Sweeps, in the eastern part of Snowden Drifts. We were informed that the prey we sought was a "Deputy Brooke", a disgraced Lionguard who had taken up banditry. Word or rumor of the Lord's coming must have spread, for our forces were met at almost every hillside by eager travelers, well-wishers, damsels and prospective adventurers. In sort order, we had been told of the location of or prey, and set out with determination, and an ever-growing force. It was upon catching sight of our prey that I truly began to understand the depths of Lord Ethan's Legacy. The would-be bandit had been surrounded and was preparing to draw her weapon for combat, when those surrounding her cleared a path for her seeming escape. Wasting no time, Brooke took off through the opening, faster than Lima on one of her Jackalope hunts. Run as she might, she found herself surrounded on all sides by members of our party bent on her capture. Finding a rise which gave me a clear shot, I was astonished by requests to hold fire by Izmina Darque, who stated "none but Lord Ethan may take the first strike". "Nonsense", i snorted in reply, "when a hunter has a clear shot at prey, she takes it to end the hunt early, and gives thanks to the spirit that offered itself to the hunt". "That may be true, Kilashandra Rae", Izmina stated with words that froze even the air. "Your name is known to me, as I have heard many tales of your courage and valor. However, none of these tales ever indicated you were either foolish or suicidal". As we spoke, Brooke continued her path to the north, nearing centaur territory, where she would surely draw the attention of the centaurs, who were known to attack any and all who entered their territory. Even a keep held by the priory was often the focus of their aggressive attacks. Turning on Ismina, I pointed at the fleeing prey and demanded to know why we were allowing her seemingly safe passage, but an armed escort. Wolf's blood boiled in my veins at the thought of prey escaping, and as I prepared a response, the air surrounding Izmina started to shimmer with the energy of death itself. "Have a care", was the only warning she gave, and even the ground transformed into a dark pool beneath our feet. The air surrounding her shimmered, and for a moment, you could hear the screams of the souls trapped by Jormag. "Your desire for justice is noble, and honorable, and I can tell that your legend will be long and detailed indeed", Izmina continued, her voice tinged with the sound of death. "But do not allow youthful exuberance to cloud your vision, I would break you as your food would break a twig on the ground before you. Cool your blood, My Lord Ethan shall arrive in due course".

A Norn never fears death - only not trying, but in that moment, I found myself evaluating how long I wanted my legend to be. It was at that moment that a loud curse echoed off the hillsides. Lord Ethan had not only arrived, but been spotted by the ex-lionsguard. Peppering the air with curses, she drew her sword and charged him headfirst. With a nimbleness that belied his size and age, he deftly sidestepped the blow, and managed to answer her swing with his scepter. It was them that her training showed, for with a deceptive lunge, she parried his swing, and thrust her sword deep into his chest. The resulting battle cry could be heard at the deepest part of the mists, I am sure. Seemingly freed, as if we were all enchanted, those gathered jumped into battle, falling upon the suddenly mortally fearful bandit. With a curse, i drew my bow and let arrows fly, my hope only to cause a quick end to Brooks' soon to be slowly extensive and violently painful death at the hands of the gathered mob, whos mood had turned suddenly bloodthirsty. I remember hearing her surrender, and please for mercy, and it was only the timely intervention of a Mesmer I have been unable to identify that kept her alive to face the justice of her people.

After her capture, several went to the fallen body of Lord Ethan, only to see it shimmer and vanish into thin air. With a great shout of amazement from all but Izmina, we realized that Brook's battle had been with an illusion. Looking around, we quickly found Lord Ethan leaning against a tree, A child-like glint in his eyes. Following his gaze, Izmina gave a curt nod, however her demeanor was that of an old companion, who was either disappointed that their expectations had not been met, or they had seen the same trick far too many times. It took hardly any time for those gathered to ensure Brook was setup in her new home at the local outpost, and word of her capture had spread as if carried by the spirit of Raven. Grateful travelers, settlers and Seraph lined the road to the keep, in turn cursing Brooke, and offering thanks and congratulations to our party, which at this point totaled slightly more than 30. Feasts and banquets were offered, along with several proposals of marriage, all of which were turned down with the grace of shaman of Snow Leopard, and the skill of a master Black Lion Tradesman. It was then the the air itself seemed to burst into flame, and a voice with the sound of flame itself spoke. "I have finally found you, you treacherous no good son of a dog! Did you truly think that the Legion would not track you down for your crimes? Make note, you most despicable of all humans, your doom has begun this day! Even as we speak, my legions march to reclaim our rightful property, which you have stolen from us!".

"Try it and not even the combined force of all the Charr Legions who ever lived spare you from my wrath' was the reply from Izmina. "Your enslavement of the Legions and peaceful farmers of the Plateau ended in death, a was proper by all laws of the land, and even your own legion". "Quiet she-devil! the voice spoke again. "Your dealings with the Lords of Darkness are known to me, and my shamans assure me that they will break any unholy spell you can cast. However I do invite you to try to stop us - a weak female such as yourself should provide some small entertainment for my soldiers, before they turn you into meat!". It was then that i felt the presence of Snow Owl. Landing on a nearby post, a message was heard by all. "Aid is needed in the plateau immediately! The Flame Legion marches even as you receive this omen. "Yes we are" came the reply of the yet-unnamed voice, however a glace at several Charr stated clearly that this voice was not unknown to many of them. From within, I could feel the call of Wolf stirring my senses to battle-readiness. Whomever this voice belonged to, he words had ensured him a very unpleasant future, i promised the spirits. A menacing yet mocking chuckle was heard "Well "hero" what's it to be? Will you bring us meat for our victory table tonight, or should we settle for the fruits of our conquest?" At this, Ethan moved forward. "I'll give you a professional tip - even though you don't deserve it" were his words, spoken with total calm and seemingly infused with nobility. "Never tell your enemy how to humiliate you. And as a courtesy for your...."rank", I promise not to let Izzy break all of your bones. You should go cower in a corner now, for my forces are on route". With that, he waived his scepter, and once again, the air was rent with the appearance of a portal. As our forces entered the portal, I noted Ethan approaching Izzy, "She will meet us there". For the first time during our travels, Izzy's expression changed, and to my eyes, her expression was a mixture of shock, outrage, and fright. "Is that not taking matters too far?" was her reply. My turn to enter the portal came, and I was unable to hear the end of the conversation.

No sooner had we all arrived on the plateau did a messenger from Iron Legion come running up, battle-scarred and out of breath. "You've come!" he panted. "Not a moment too soon. Our scouts have been waylayed an harassed at every turn, and our forces already engaged to the north and west. Supply Master Sootspliter has already begun considering destruction of the camp rather than let it fall into legion hands." Izzy stood up and spoke "Calm yourself and regain your breath". We are here, and are already aware of the Legion's intentions. Rest assured, "Tribune" Burntclaw, will spend the remainder of the year cursing the day he was placed into a fahrar, instead of being allowed to serve as an agent of Grenth with his every breath and waking moment." Hearing this seemed to both brighten and darken the charr's mood at the same time. I also noted that many charr in the area had turned their attention to the conversation. "You seem to know quite a bit about this "tribune", human, but very little about charr". Izzy's smile had all the warmth of the grave. "His son tried to eat me once - I took that rather personally, especially when he tried to intervene". Without noticing, i felt myself reach for and noc an arrow, ready for any sign of battle. It was a curious sensation, as I knew firsthand just how offsetting Izzy could be, while having an idea of just how powerful a Necromancer she was. The charr's eyes narrowed "What happened?" was his curt reply. Curious, i felt myself relax my hold on my bow. "Well, I caught up with his son, right after they slaughtered a family and were preparing dinner. I do feel bad about the wasted spices and wine." The soldier looked at her skeptically, "So what does Burntclaw have to do with that?". "Seems he got upset & sent the cub's warband after me." "Still not making a connection" the messenger replied. To my surprise, Izzy actually looked amused as she continued the story. "Well you see, after i finished with the warband, I sent Burntclaw a personal message - "Stay out of my way and get over it, or I'll personally saw off your horns with a nail-file" "Doesn't sound like much of a threat" came another voice. Izzy looked around, then back at the messenger, who sat chuckling. "It is when you consider that I had his son - or rather his son's body deliver the message in person, - and then explode all over daddy and all his gathered guests". I have seen many wondrous things in my life, but Izzy introduced me to a new wonder that day. The color seemed to drain from the messenger's fur itself! It was truly a sight you had to witness firsthand. Regaining his composure with a grunt, he said "Well - that is different, and does get the point across." Izzy smiled a chilling smile. "I thought so too - shall we go?"

As we made haste to the camp, I noticed several humans and all the charr were giving Izzy quite a bit of distance - forming parties among themselves with the hope of not catching her attention. Arriving at the camp, I noticed Ethan sitting on a crate, conversing with a massive, battle-scarred charr. As I approached, within earshot, I could tell that they were concluding their battle plans. I once again found myself wondering just how powerful this human was. Noticing our arrival, Ethan looked at Izzy, "Your group seems to have grown, we now total more than 50." "Couldn't be helped", Izzy replied. Fog studied the assembly for a moment, "Is that why it took you so long, he said with a smile". "No", a new voice cut in. "She was entertaining the Charr with tales of carnage." From behind Ethan, and seeming out of thin air stepped none other than the Norn legend Prissy. This was truly a norn of legend. Her deeds were told in Holbreak at all major moots. Asurans and Scholars from the Durman Priory had traveled to Holbrek to record stories from her youth to study and use as training material for future generations. As the tales told, Prissy has trained, instructed or taught every Norn who has reached legendary status. She was hand-picked by Snow Leopard to seek out and instruct a young Eir Stegalkin on the finer points in the study of tactics. Still older tales tell of how the spirits of Snow Leopard, Raven, Wolf and Bear manifested themselves at her cradle to offer blessings. It was only then that I truly began to understand just how influential this human was.

Looking at Izzy, Prissy continued her conversation "I thought you didn't like raising the dead?" Izzy nodded "I don't - that was a special occasion,." Nodding, Prissy replied, "I see". As Izzy laughed, I noticed several younger humans and Norn were starring at her with the glassy-eyed expression of innocence not quite lost, and dreams best left in the land of the spirits. As we moved into defensive positions, I found my mind wandering. Stories were being told of battles in the mists led by Foghladha, as well as victories from the past. I than realized my earlier error from the start of this grand adventure. And watching Izzy get her team into place as Prissy and Ethan walked the inner camp with tn air that belied the gravity of the situation was a sight. Looking around, I also noted the effect Prissy's presence had on those gathered. everywhere i looked, it seemed the Norns were acting with renewed purpose, warriors walked with a newly-enlisted soldier's precision and purpose. It seemed at times that everyone was trying to one-up each other in their attempts to either gain attention, favor, or simple notice. Our preparations were interrupted by the sound of flying metal and shouts. Racing to the camp, we found a scene of chaos developing, at the center stood Kali Rose, an Asura of great reputation herself. "How many times do I have to tell you bookah's to only work on one turret at a time?" She demanded angrily to those assembled around her. "If you continue wasting our supplies on double and triple work, I will make it my life's goal to ensure your proper suffering and torment for this! It is not rocket science people, although many of the core principles are similar, THERE IS A DIFFERENCE!" At this point some ill-advised Iron Legion engineer approached her, stating that as this was his station, he would handle things. Adding to his misguided notion, he than stated that he "did not need help from a pint-sized race of techno-thieves who could only adapt stolen technology to meet their needs of the moment." He than made the unfortunate mistake of trying to remind Kari that, as she was not an engineer, had no idea of what she was talking about and should return to whatever school she dropped out of.

At this point, it became readily apparent who among our party had adventured with Kari in the past, as the circle of spectators widened significantly. I prefer to believe that this particular charr had suffered some brain damaging injury, or in the recent past, had received a head-wound damaging enough to render him incredibly short sighted and lacking reason. This was to be a topic of great discussion among the Priory members, and a source of endless laughter for the warriors later in the evening, but at that time, it spelled almost certain doom for the charr. Grabbing a nearby wrench, she flung herself at the offending charr. I must state that this charr was indeed a credit to his legion, for he parried that first few blow with a soldier's ease. He did not, however, take into account the wrath of an insulted Asuran Mesmer. Kari's second strike met the soldier's armor with the clang of a hammer striking an anvil. "TECHNO-THEIF???!!" she screamed in indignation, "DROP OUT!?" another blow was met by a hastily-drawn sword. Kari's next few blows were not only methodical, but punctuated by a list of her formidable achievements and awards. At some point, Kari began insulting the charr's ears as part of her dissertation. At this point, the charr was blessed by Raven, who seemed to be in the mood for further entertainment at the charr's expense, as he managed to land a blow against her armor with enough force to cause her to stumble back 1 step. In retrospect, that may have been his gravest mistake. Realizing that she had not only been insulted, but struck as well, her eyes narrowed to slits. "You try to hit ME - An Asuran who not only nows Lord Ethan, but is a member in good standing at all known Asuran colleges, and a thrice-awarded champion in armed blindfolded combat golem creation, manufacturing, and programming in a landmine while being attacked by skritt, raptors, jaguars, and radiation exposure?!" As she spoke the air itself shimmered and suddenly the hapless charr was surrounded by mirror images of Kari, who launched themselves at him. As each illusion struck it shattered with the force of a cannonball explosion, hurtling the char this to and fro. For every Kali that exploded, two seemed to take its place. It was only the timely intervention of Prissy and Ethan that saved the charr's life. Each standing to the side of her, together they picked he up by the arm and moved her a safe distance, much to Kali's screams to be put down so she could cut off the charr's ears and file down his horns with a dull rock. After the afternoons entertainment, we completed our preperations. before we could set into a waitingmode, word from our souts was heard: the enemy had arrived and was bearing down on our position......
