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Conqueror's Blade (2019)
Chapter 7:
New World (2021)
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World of Warcraft: Classic (2019)
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Elder Scrolls Online (2014)
Chapter 4:
Guild Wars 2 (2012)
Chapter 3:
RIFT (2011)
Chapter 2:
Warhammer Online (2008)
Chapter 1:
Dark Age of Camelot (2001)


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Alia Stormkiller - Pt 2

By: Cerulean

Alia Stormkiller....The Story continues.

After waiting out a long hard winter with Sandra & her mother and learning quite a lot about manners and how to interact with people, spring finally arrived. Alia was excited as they where preparing for their yearly trip to Ascalon. She found out the trip would take about 2 weeks and the night before leaving she could not sleep.

The next morning they setout for Ascalon. Alia had learned that they lived in the Northern Shiverpeaks about an hour from Yak's Bend of which they passed through meeting others on their way to Ascalon. The first night they spent just outside of Yak's Bend and Alia was confused as to why. Sandra explained that they all would form in a big group and travel together for safety. They will be ready in a few days to head out on their journey.

After 3 days, which felt like 3 weeks to Alia, the caravan was ready to go. They left early in the morning and the goal was to exit the foothills before dark. The trip went without a hitch, but through conversation Alia heard a name she never heard before, Charr.

It seems that the Charr have been seen in and around the areas ahead. They still had about a weeks journey and at least for the next few days they would face the risk of the Charr attacking them. They would have to be on their highest guard.

The next day was fairly uneventful. Alia learned that they where heading to Grendich Courthouse and should arrive there tomorrow. It would give them a safe place to rest and to restock if needed. Alia didn't really care as she couldn't wait to get to Ascalon.

That night Alia was awoken by a horrible sound. She never heard anything like that before, then she heard people screaming. Alia bolted out of the tent and saw these huge beasts running all over. Some had swords, some axes and they where attacking people with no thought. Alia did the only thing she could do, she summoned a minion who proceeded to attack a Charr, then she tried again and another minion appeared. Alia found that she could have 3 minions running around at a time and that some of the Charr seemed caught off guard by this and they turned and ran. The remaining Charr where defeated and then the true toll was realized.

The caravan had lost 10 people in the attack, plus numerous cattle. Sandra and her mother escaped harm which Alia was grateful. Families pleaded that they leave now but cooler heads prevailed and said that with it being night they had no idea where the Charr could be and they could become ambushed anywhere on the trail. For the rest of the night no one got any sleep.

As soon as the sun came up they pressed hard to make it to Grendich and late in the afternoon they arrived. Relief came over them at that point. They decided to stay a few days to allow some to heal and rest. During that time they learned that the Charr where becoming more bold and venturing further south then before. The caravans timing happened to be great as a regiment of Ascalonian Soldiers where heading back to Ascalon and they agreed to escort them.

Three days later they left Grendich and where heading to Piken Square where they would rest for the night. Alia learned that the trip from Piken to Ascalon would take about a day barring any trouble and she was getting more excited by the moment.

They arrived at Piken late in the afternoon without any trouble. They did see a small group of Charr but when the Charr saw the soldiers they ran away. In Piken Alia got up the nerve to talk to one of the soldiers. He was a necromancer that Sandra pointed out to her. She asked him what she needed to do to obtain training as a necromancer and he said the best way was to join the Academy. He said that Necromancer Munne was an excellent teacher and Instructor Kasha Blackblood will show you things you cant imagine. Hearing this made Alia even more excited and she barely heard what the necro said next, "Now to get into the Academy you must have a sponsor, Do you have one?".

Suddenly the world tumbled around her. A sponsor, she didn't know anyone who could sponsor her. Now what was she going to do. Downhearted she went back to Sandra and told her what she heard. The sponsor had to be someone of importance or if your father or mother served in the military. Well she was an orphan so that was out and she knew no one who was of importance.

Sandra said, "Let me see what I can find out" and she took off.

About an hour later Geena (Sandra's mother) came back with a gentleman in tow. She said "Alia I would like you to meet Baron Tyler Ravenstaff. He happens to be the biggest Yak breeder around Yak's Bend and it was because of him the town was founded."

"It is a honor to meet you Baron", said Alia.

"My pleasure. Geena tells me that you where the one that brought up the minions the night the Charr attacked. For that we are grateful as they helped us ward off that attack."

"I only wish there was more I could have done." said Alia

"Child, don't worry yourself. These things happen and no one is to blame for them. Now down to business, I am told that you would like to enter the Academy to be trained as a necromancer is this correct?" said the Baron.

"Yes sir, that is something I really want to do".

"Good, now here's the deal. I will sponsor your admission and when your training and service is done I want you to come back to Yak's Bend and work for me for 1 year. So, do we have a deal?"

"Baron I am most honored by your offer, I gladly accept and I won't let you down.:

"Alia, I am sure you will not". At that the Baron handed her a sponsorship letter and left.

Alia looked at Geena and said "I had no idea you knew anyone like that".

Geena smiled and said, "Dear, when you live in a small community like that you tend to get to know everyone. The Baron is a very kind man and the year you work for him will be well worth it."

With this great news Alia again had another sleepless night, but she didn't care, she was going to the Academy.

The next day they departed Piken and after a long day of travel they arrived in Ascalon. Alia couldn't believe her eyes at the sight. What tiredness she felt was replaced with joy and excitement. She learned that the Academy would be open in 2 days for new enrollments so she had time to look around and to get to know the area.

She stayed with Sandra & Geena those 2 nights in a little village just south of Ascalon and on the morning she could go to the Academy she woke early and Sandra helped her get ready. Alia didn't want to look dirty or dumpy and wanted to arrive early.

Alia, along with many others where lined up waiting for the doors to open. Sandra waited with her until she was to go inside. Finally the doors opened, Sandra said goodbye and they promised to see each other again. Alia walked into the building and waited her turn.

Finally when it was her turn she approached the soldier sitting there and he said "Can I see your sponsorship letter". Alia reached for it but wait where was it. She started to panic when he said "Umm, young lady I think that is it in your hand". Alia look down, turned beet red and handed it to him.

He said "A sponsorship from Baron Ravenstaff, well you must be special as he only sponsors those that show outstanding ability. Some of our best students have been sponsored by him. I see you wish to learn Necromancy, well you are in luck as we have the best trainers around. All we need is for you to sign this agreement that after your training you will serve with the military for 3 years".

Alia didn't even hesitate, she gladly signed and was shown where she would stay and train for the next 2 years. be continued
