Gaiscioch Select Chapter


Ashes of Creation
Diablo IV
Pantheon: Rise of the Fallen
Royal Quest Online
Helldivers II
Orcs Must Die! Deathtrap
Embers Adrift
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Chapter 8:
Conqueror's Blade (2019)
Chapter 7:
New World (2021)
Chapter 6:
World of Warcraft: Classic (2019)
Chapter 5:
Elder Scrolls Online (2014)
Chapter 4:
Guild Wars 2 (2012)
Chapter 3:
RIFT (2011)
Chapter 2:
Warhammer Online (2008)
Chapter 1:
Dark Age of Camelot (2001)


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"Indie" Authors You Know.

Seaimpin de na Capall Donn
Seaimpin de na Capall Donn
  • ESO: @Artrath96
Posted On: 06/28/2013 at 10:39 PM
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Hello GSCH Book readers. As I have been reading books, I've been thinking what books to suggest for the book club, and I completely forgot one I should have mentioned from the outset, because it was written by someone very close to me. My own dad.

Now, you may be all like "Aww, the kid wants to promote his dad. How cute," and ignore it, and if so, fine. However, I would strongly urge you to give the book he wrote a go. I am an extremely critical person, and I am very judgemental. I don't go easy on anyone or anything. Not even my own dad. Now, if you're still reading, you're probably like "Great Ragmar, what's the name of the book?" It's called The Incarnadine Stair by Brad Taylor. He is not the same person who wrote the Pike Logan books, just so you know.

I loved the book, and got the chance to help edit it. It's a classic fantasy about a mage, but it is not written in your typical, flowery, stylistic writing that is a bi-product of most magical series. My father's story is written in a quite matter-of-fact style, and it's like a fable. It's a refreshing twist on a well-covered genre. Some of you may not like this, but still, I would ask you at least give it a shot.

It's available on and the Barnes and Noble website for relatively cheap.


Now let's correlate this to the title. I would like to read the books your friends and family have written and published. Let me know the book, and I would love to read it when I get a shot.

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Devotion Rank 20Valor Rank 4Fellowship Rank 11Scholar Rank 4Artisan Rank 9


Taoiseach de na Arach Glas
Taoiseach de na Arach Glas
  • GW2: Foghladha.2506
  • ESO: @Foley
Replied On: 06/28/2013 at 11:36 PM PDT
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Very tempted to post the first 3 chapters of my little story I wrote way back when. It's pretty graphic and not very kid friendly though.

"It's not the loot and accolades you walk away with, it's the memories and friendships that you cherish forever." - Foghladha
Awards & Achievements
Devotion Rank 20Valor Rank 20Fellowship Rank 10Explorer Rank 12Scholar Rank 15Artisan Rank 8Social Rank 9Mentorship Rank 6
Seaimpin de na Capall Donn
Seaimpin de na Capall Donn
  • ESO: @Artrath96
Replied On: 06/29/2013 at 03:44 PM PDT
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Well... lol. I'll read it if you'd like me to Fog.

Awards & Achievements
Devotion Rank 20Valor Rank 4Fellowship Rank 11Scholar Rank 4Artisan Rank 9
Caomhnoir de na Fhiaigh Corcra
Caomhnoir de na Fhiaigh Corcra
Replied On: 06/29/2013 at 11:13 PM PDT

I have one book published, but it is non-fiction. I used to be a music journalist, and was approached to write a book about a band I had interviewed.

It actually put me off writing for a living, as I did not like the lack of artistic freedom.  The editing process sucked, but that is I guess due to me being new to it and the publishing company being somewhat single minded and more interested in profit than quality!

Awards & Achievements
Devotion Rank 20Valor Rank 11Fellowship Rank 11Scholar Rank 6Artisan Rank 1
Ridire de na Fhiaigh
Ridire de na Fhiaigh
  • GW2: Ruwund.3547
Replied On: 06/30/2013 at 05:28 AM PDT
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@rag-- is it available via nook/kindle?


@fog-- post it :)  just make sure you have certain locks and warnings about age appropriateness ( i am sure you would have done that anyway).

Awards & Achievements
Devotion Rank 20Fellowship Rank 11Scholar Rank 4Artisan Rank 4Social Rank 2
Seaimpin de na Capall Donn
Seaimpin de na Capall Donn
  • ESO: @Artrath96
Replied On: 06/30/2013 at 02:39 PM PDT
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I believe it is available in kindle, yes. Not entirely certain about nook. I'll edit the post when I get a chance to ask my dad.

Awards & Achievements
Devotion Rank 20Valor Rank 4Fellowship Rank 11Scholar Rank 4Artisan Rank 9