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Making your own GW2 signature

Ban Curadh de na Capall Oráiste
Ban Curadh de na Capall Oráiste
Posted On: 01/16/2013 at 03:51 PM
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(Not entirely sure if this is the right place to put this, so if it's not please feel free to move it)

Ok, so I've been asked where I got my forum signature from and it's quite simple - I made it myself. I used  a screenshot of the character selection screen, cropped and modified, added text and there you go! I'll outline the steps below with images.

Firstly, the important thing is the character list screenshot. It's a little fiddly only because you want to make sure there's not a character in the background when you take it. You will notice as you select different characters there's a slight delay as it changes when no character is showing - this is when you take the shot. Might take you a few tries (or not) to get a nice, clean shot, but that's your starting point.

Screenshot with toon:

Screenshot without toon:

Next you want to open that screenshot in an image editing program and crop it down to just the character portraits (with a little image edging). If you don't have an image editor, I recommend irfanview ( - it is free and I use it all the time for basic editing.

Cropped portraits:

Now, you can leave it there if you want to. Or you can do as I did and add character name text as well. I did that bit in photoshop because it's easy to rotate the text to have it sideways as I do (or if your editor doesn't rotate text, try rotating the image and adding text as normal). Or you can just add it below the portraits instead. That's your choice. It will take a bit of fiddling to get the right font size and type that works for you. Experiment!


Then you're done! Just need to upload it to a hosting service (I use photobucket simply because I have for years) and copy the direct image link, which then gets pasted into your signature field of your profile (using html). Save it by clicking the Update Information button at the bottom of your profile and Tadaa! New sig is yours ^_^.

Hope this helps!

» Edited on: 2013-01-16 15:52:47

» Edited on: 2013-01-16 18:47:58

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Saighdiuir de na Capall
Saighdiuir de na Capall
Replied On: 01/16/2013 at 04:10 PM PST
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Oh that's really clever, I like that. I honestly thought you'd had a way more fiddly method.

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Devotion Rank 20Fellowship Rank 8Scholar Rank 2
Ridire de na Ulchabhan Donn
Ridire de na Ulchabhan Donn
Replied On: 01/16/2013 at 06:10 PM PST
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I used Photoshop for mine. Used to work with photoshop all the time, but it seems I've gotten a little unacquainted with newer versions. Also would you like to join Altoholics Anonymous?

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Ban Seaimpin de na Iolair
Ban Seaimpin de na Iolair
  • GW2: Cyrexae.4138
  • ESO: @Xyrexae
Replied On: 01/16/2013 at 06:46 PM PST
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That was neat, thanks! I might have to try it :)

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Devotion Rank 20Fellowship Rank 10Scholar Rank 3Artisan Rank 13Social Rank 4
Curadh de na Fhiaigh Oráiste
Curadh de na Fhiaigh Oráiste
Replied On: 01/16/2013 at 06:49 PM PST
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I think I am worse with alts than Marrra is :P I can have as many as her but I am hugely indecisive on who I want to play :P I need to get around to making an updated sig as well using that method (rather than waiting for her to make mine :P) but for now using the simple Gaiscioch one.

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Ban Curadh de na Capall Oráiste
Ban Curadh de na Capall Oráiste
Replied On: 01/17/2013 at 08:39 PM PST
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Glad some people find it useful ^_^ And yes, I have a little altaholic problem >.>

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Ban Ridire de na Fhiaigh Donn
Ban Ridire de na Fhiaigh Donn
  • GW2: Kamia.2701
Replied On: 01/25/2013 at 08:04 AM PST
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Thank you Thank you, when I have some time, I will have a new sig!!

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Devotion Rank 20Valor Rank 4Fellowship Rank 11Scholar Rank 3
Ban Caomhnoir de na Iomproidh Donn
Ban Caomhnoir de na Iomproidh Donn
Replied On: 02/04/2013 at 02:07 PM PST

Oooooo Narco I am loving yours. Marrra thanks for the instructions

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Devotion Rank 20Valor Rank 6Fellowship Rank 12Scholar Rank 2Artisan Rank 9
Saighdiuir de na Capall
Saighdiuir de na Capall
Replied On: 02/04/2013 at 08:37 PM PST
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Aww thanks Bel. Kudos to Marra for the inspiration. Actually it's already out of date, a couple of those alts have changed.. oops!

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Devotion Rank 20Fellowship Rank 8Scholar Rank 2
Ban Caomhnoir de na Iomproidh Donn
Ban Caomhnoir de na Iomproidh Donn
Replied On: 02/08/2013 at 09:14 PM PST

Ok so how do we get a purty one like the one Kamia has?

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Devotion Rank 20Valor Rank 6Fellowship Rank 12Scholar Rank 2Artisan Rank 9
Curadh de na Fhiaigh Oráiste
Curadh de na Fhiaigh Oráiste
Replied On: 02/08/2013 at 10:55 PM PST
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Kamia's present one of the Gaiscioch signatures (Membership > Custom Signature)

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Muintir de na Faolchu
Muintir de na Faolchu
  • ESO: @Truwen
Replied On: 09/24/2013 at 11:45 AM PDT
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Nice tutorial, I've been trying to figure out what I can do to make a signature for various forums. Mostly just a custom one here (because I like a lot of the Gaiscioch ones here omg Bea Witch I love yours!!!!) And one other for something else.


I don't want to use paint because it is far inferior to the previously mentioned. But photoshop is extremely expensive. Any suggestions on what program to use and how to start a nice pic?


Thanks, as always you guys are awesome.

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Devotion Rank 20Fellowship Rank 5Scholar Rank 1Artisan Rank 1
Ban Fili de na Iolair Corcra
Ban Fili de na Iolair Corcra
  • GW2: Soren.9316
Replied On: 09/24/2013 at 12:07 PM PDT
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If you can't use photoshop I suggest trying GIMP. It's pretty much photoshop light and is free to use. Our office uses it when the server refuses to share the CS6 license =p

If you meet yourself on the testing track, don't make eye contact. Lab boys tell me that'll wipe out time. Entirely.
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Devotion Rank 20Valor Rank 13Fellowship Rank 19Scholar Rank 9Artisan Rank 10Social Rank 5