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Changing Birthaday in Profiles?

Ban Ridire de na Ulchabhan
Ban Ridire de na Ulchabhan
  • GW2: duskyfaery.7263
  • ESO: @Duskyfaery
Posted On: 04/17/2018 at 08:43 PM
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So I was trying to see why the YouTube button was on the upper right when I post, since I don't make any videos and hadn't thought I linked it, when I noticed the month of my birthday was showing November; I had set it for June.  Three times I tried to change it and update my profile, but it still says November.  Am I being impatient?  Or is something wrong?  Anyone else having issues?

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Banlaoch de na Griobhta Dearg
Banlaoch de na Griobhta Dearg
  • GW2: Briseadh.7386
Replied On: 04/18/2018 at 08:05 AM PDT
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Well looking at it with admin tools. Your date of birth is empty - IE I see all 0's in my admin tool.

Please note if you are trying to put in the date like a lot of the world does as day- month - year, it will come out backwards since the site is set to US standard of Month - Day - Year. Something to check but I think you are using the right way since you are in the US. :)

I can't figure out exactly what is going on since my admin level isn't telling me if you are hiding your birthdate from the public or if something is just messing up. Usually I can see the birthdate in the admin tool even if the member is hiding it from the public so it doesn't show on the first tab of your profile pages.

And everyone has that youtube thingy - I don't have an official setup over there either, but the link lets me set up a channel if I want to. I have no idea why Fog set that up that way. 

Last Edited on: 04/18/2018 at 08:06 AM
Don't mess with Mama Bear, I might hug you too tight. =D
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Taoiseach de na Arach Glas
Taoiseach de na Arach Glas
  • GW2: Foghladha.2506
  • ESO: @Foley
Replied On: 04/18/2018 at 10:00 AM PDT
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We use Month Name not number so that shouldn't be an issue. You will need to have all field filled in Month Day and Year for it to record. It converts it to YYYY-MM-DD in the database. If YYYY isn't correct it will cause an error.  If youre filling in all the birthday fields and it's still not working then a 3rd party software (virus/malware, adblocker, etc) is preventing you from recording it. I've tested it extensively on my end in Edge, Firefox and Chrome with no issue.

"It's not the loot and accolades you walk away with, it's the memories and friendships that you cherish forever." - Foghladha
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Ban Ridire de na Ulchabhan
Ban Ridire de na Ulchabhan
  • GW2: duskyfaery.7263
  • ESO: @Duskyfaery
Replied On: 04/18/2018 at 08:29 PM PDT
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Thanks for looking. :)  It was the lack of year that did it; from now on I will fill out all the spots.  :)

Last Edited on: 04/18/2018 at 08:34 PM
Awards & Achievements
Devotion Rank 19Fellowship Rank 14Artisan Rank 9