I've been deep in thought ever since Oldroar had left us for a worthy way to pay tribute to our fallen family member...
I've written his wife and don't get me wrong, I think Ben's idea of dedicating our first day in GW2 to him is FANTASTIC, I support it wholeheartedly, and think it should still happen...
I just feel like one more gesture is needed. I feel like I want to do one more thing for him.
I am suggesting to rename one of our subguilds in his honor.
Gaiscioch na Oldroar
I realize it's not wholly Celtic which is why I want to see how you all feel before I push the idea to Ben/Fog.
...and I don't really care what subguild is renamed though the recruit, casual, or pvp subguild would be fitting considering what Oldroar did for all of us and stood for.
Give me some feedback. Should we go with something different? Like "Gaiscioch na Rall"? What subguild would fit the best? Is this a bad idea? Is this a good idea? Etc, etc.
Just let me know. I realize a lot of our Rift players may not know me very well since I was more of a Gaiscioch Warhammer player, but your feedback is just as an important. It's our guild after all.
All I know is one thing:
I want to ride into battle underneath the banner that has "Gaiscioch" and "Oldroar" in it.
» Edited on: 2011-11-02 18:04:27