Kitty's Blog
March 13th, 2025
So I'll start posting here my adventures in The Long Dark, probably I'll start in the hardest difficulty and post my exploits about it right here :3
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March 13th, 2025
This morning I got the title with Orvilaf! A couple of us gsch did Teq with another guild who was running an organized attempt. It went so smoothly and good. I got the last three achievements I needed to get the title! :D
Thank you to everyone who made this possible and a special thanks to Aingel for the shout out in guild chat about that run :3
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March 13th, 2025
I got a bad cold, when I speak I sound like a coughing squeaky toy.
Partner also got me a copy of Tropico 5, so I'm going between my bed and that game lovely game :3
I will get better and be back soon to the events in order to bring a helping hand and laughter :D>
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March 13th, 2025
We like the moon
coz it is close to us
we like the moooon!
but not as much as a spoon
'cause that's more use for eating soup
and a fork isn't very useful for that
unless it has got many vegetables
and then you might be better off with a
unlike the moon
it is up in the sky
it's up there very high
but not as high
as maybe
digibles or zeppelins
or lightbulbs
and maybe clouds
and puffins also I think maybe
they go quite high too
maybe not as high as the moon
coz the moon is very high
we like the moon
the moon is very useful everyone
everybody like the moon
because it light up the sky at night
and it lovely
and it makes the tide go and we like it
but not as much as cheese
we really like cheese
we like zeppelins
we really like them
and we like kelp and we like moose
and we like deer and we like marmots
and we like all the fluffy animals
we really like the moon
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March 13th, 2025
Sorry for missing this morning's WvW, I was without electricity for the whole day.
I also went to the ear-nose-throat doctor. My MRI looks fine and my audiometry is still lousy, to everything points to ménière's disease :3
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March 13th, 2025
Until the doctors figure out what I have in my ear I cannot make my event a recurring thing.
I'm sorry guys that I didn't do this earlier.
Cya on the battlefield (soon) o7
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March 13th, 2025
I think you have noticed that I don't show up after 8am server time. That's because we are getting very high temperatures in my city and the electrical power goes off. Which means I have no internets, no pc, nothing much to do than clean the house.
The mornings and evenings are ok because it's less hot there and less people using the power, or so it seems.
Knowing how my country is being run, this problem will repeat and get worse each and every summer. Cya in the mornings!
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March 13th, 2025
I won't be running the wvw coffee tomorrow on thursday, my ear is still bothering me much and it makes using the computer harder than usual.
I hope to see you on Friday morning, of course I'll keep you updated.
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March 13th, 2025
I'm very grateful to be here in this group. People are around my age, and we gather to play games, have a really good time, to leave real world burdens like politics, religions and other mature stuff at the door and focus on making good memories.
Thank you guys, for making dissappear this feeling of being alone :3
I love you all!
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March 13th, 2025
Just getting loads of work for a change and that keeps me away from online game activities. :3
See you all in the Tyrian Adventure!
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March 13th, 2025
A few months ago, my brother invited us to a meeting. One of his friends said: I'm too old for pc games, that's for kids.
And I asked him: Why?. He was stumped, he didn't know what to answer and started to stare nervously looking for my brother. Told him that games are wonderful learning oportunities, that online communities are great ways to make new friends, learn new cultures, mechanics, lore, get quick on your mind and hands.
I love being part of the family because I get to play along with people around my age and more. And that makes me so incredibly happy :3
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March 13th, 2025
Fog used his wonderful powers to fix my name and remove the typo. You may call me as the character I'm using at that moment or Kitty.
Kitty is fine too, people call me Gata (female cat in spanish) or Kitty in real life too :3
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More Content By Kitty
- Battle Recap:
Fire! Fire! Fire!
We were there, once again, trying to save the moon and have a fun run. But Kitty had other plans. Kitty wanted to try Sargon, the traitor. It went well. If we ignore the fact that we wiped in the first map.
You see, Sargon's attacks and powers have friendly fire, it affects everyone, Kitty, Gma, Sscripko, the enemies, everyone dies at the fire...
- Battle Recap:
Looking for coffee is fun!
Elu is very nice, the event is fun, 10/10 will follow to do all the events and sacrifice things for Mango!
- Battle Recap:
The Raiding power of The Chancla!
We defeated not one, not two, but three raid bosses today. It was glorious! Everyone did an amazing job, our newbies did fantastic, and Jay threw all his shoes and chanclas at the bosses, saving our collective bacons!!
10/10 will raid again!
- Battle Recap:
Kitty is back to TESO! Yippie!!
So I logged my character, which is level 50 and there is a weird colorful number going up after a bar fills, so far I have like 70ish of these colorful numbers, they are red, blue and green, no clue what they do.
I tried my best to remember my AvA nights with Fog from like two or three years ago, then I remembered the crown thingie was super important and that I should never leave it's side, I also teleported around a bunch because we had to close...
- Battle Recap:
Raids are hard, ok?
This event was a rollercoaster of emotions!
We were able to do the escort and defeat McLeod in the first try without much problem, but then we decided to poke the bear statue and take a few shots at the boss. OH BOY! Is a complicated fight, with many mechanics, that are random...
- Battle Recap:
Kitty's fractal event?
It was Jay who helped me run the event while I was gone doing the stream with Fog :3
Hope you guys had fun! :D
- Battle Recap:
Thought it was Smitty's event? Bamboozled again! :3
And Kitty led the group for many shinies, ran bravely from JQ and BG zergs, even managed to steal a couple of towers with the zerg angerly staring from the door!!! :3
I heard people having fun :D
- Battle Recap:
We had beer, we shared stories about horses on roofs, hunting sheepies in the midnight and getting the horse lost in the mountains, talked about our dreams and things we want to accomplish, Kitty got drunk and ended up in odd places the like on top of the stable; also coordinated proyects like roads and how to trade with the other groups...
- Battle Recap:
Raids group, getting there!
This is end-game content, it's brutal. No place for casuals, no room for mistakes. You gotta be awake, on your top game, be very aware of where you are, what you are doing, where you are standing.
Jay led us to great learnings, we are getting there :3
- Battle Recap:
Fun times!
We got drunk, we fished, we played odd games about shelf elves, horses, swamps and running around for clues that the voices in our heads were whispering :3
Life IS feudal!
- Battle Recap:
Glorious wvw fun!!
Tide guided us to many victories! We relieved preassure from other borderlands by attacking keeps and calling zergs upon zergs on us, but it was fun! :D We had many fights, even won more than half.
10/10 Will follow the Tide again >:3
- Battle Recap:
A wonderful Slo-Mo DragonStand
Shmi tooks us to a wonderful land full of loot, achievos and shinies. We braved the events, went different lanes this time under a few different tags, but reciving Shmi's advice and guidance by voicecomms.
Finally I got my last DS achievo, Dragonhunter Bombardier!! :D
Saddly I had to leave a bit early because I took my vertigo pill and it knock me down into nap-lands...
- Battle Recap:
Verdant Brink Hero Points Galore
Lots of shinies!
Also hero points :3
Much fun! Such moment, wow, much memories
- Battle Recap:
Tip toe through dragonstand
And we were tip toe, throught the dragonstand, by the dragon, gathering all the shinies! All the shinies!
And I can't wait so we can tip toe through the shinies with Shmee! :D
- Battle Recap:
Adventure in the Silverwastes
We got achievements, tons of fun! Loot galore! :3
Shmi is best shmi leader for she is nice and fun to run with
- Battle Recap:
Aetherblade Diving Goggles!
Jay, Namrie, and many others helped us to get the Final Diving Goggle location for Diving Master.
It was long, tough, very difficult, there has been tears, blood, sweat and a bit of swearing. But we gots it! >:3
10/10 would roll a mesmer to park it in the diving goggles if I had a slot!
- Battle Recap:
Huge success!!
Thank you Goat!
We got to play with traps, kill ghosts, and play ghostbusters on the final boss.
10/10 Would Explore path 2 again!
- Battle Recap:
Awesome World Boss Hunt!
Jae's internet had a hiccup, we all moved to the next boss until she came back. We had fun, also talked about noms, also super interesting chats about life.
10/10 can't wait for next monday!
- Battle Recap:
Picnics in Bruma
Tigallo took us to Bruma for some serious daily questings :3 We had lots of fun, loots, skyshards, achievements and shinies!!! I can't wait for the next run! :D
- Battle Recap:
Late night coffee achievements
It wasn't easy, but it was lots of fun. We got the achievements and we got amazing fights :3 With patience, love, care and coffee, Lakshmi guided our group through the hardest achievements and we got them >:3
And coffee!!!
- Battle Recap:
Wonderful run :3
Despite some internet hiccups from the server, lag, disconnections and rampant warp, we had a wonderful time taking objectives, defending towers, and having lots of fun leaded by Rayne and Wind :D
Such an awesome group! We defended several towers and snatched victories from the jaws of Anvil Rock and Gate of Madness.
- Battle Recap:
Fun run!
It was very fun, very smooth, a few portals because I'm jumping impaired in some areas (lamp area ¬___¬). Much fun, did I mention that?
- Battle Recap:
WvW running after internet went down
It was very fun, we did lots of upgrades, captures and some defenses. We miss Findan a lot and we miss Aoibheann when her internet went poof. :3
You just read that in my accent, didn't you? :v
Rrrrrrr!! :3
- Battle Recap:
Quick run was quick!
Really, in 20 minutes or even less we went up up and nuked all our enemies with Bull, Dee, Rayne and our fearless leader Findan! :D It was very fun, Bull had a guardian and he protected us with his mighty powers, Dee was a warrior who turned our enemies into pulp, Rayne was a ranger so awesome! And Findan was using his mesmer powers to keep us alive and well...
- Battle Recap:
My first CoE Story mode :3
It was awesome, I had a lot of fun, very great group, and Dee has leadership skills as main stats :3
- Battle Recap:
Zergs can't swim :3
We rule under the waters >:3!
We were outnumbered, until we jumped into the water at bay, and they had to run. When then ported home and started to look for another objectives.
I wish we had the lake back again and more water maps for WvW. >:3
- Battle Recap:
The new cyrodiil is mean :c
Now with the new vet 5 mobs it's very hard to take anything with a small group. On the bright side, it is very rewarding to do stuff there because it gives LOADS of more experience and it's very fun. I can't wait to be level vet and smash some skulls >:3
- Battle Recap:
Ganked Spanked
Wonderful event was made of wonderful... and events!!
Woah, those vets level 10 on both sides are really mean. I once tried to sneak around a rock while I was alone, only to find THREE rank 10 Veteran to then crushed me like an itty bitty fuzzy grape :c
Besides that, the event was loads of fun, more than one team is key to success because even when they are rank 10 vets, they can't be everywhere at the same time.
- Battle Recap:
I want a pony! >_<
Seriously, not having a horse in AvA is a handicap.
The event was loads of fun, with thrilling battles, action, watching people letting their hairs flow in the wind as they ride through the glen firing arrows into the sunset!! :B>
But really, I want a pony, my legs hurt just by watching my character run to fort to fort to fort to farm to mine to a fort again :3
- Battle Recap:
Fun at Crow's Wood
We got lost, we were in different instances, but we managed to get together and together beat the evil wraith man boss! We crushed him like a tasty ethereal grape >:3
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Glorious Tiny Team!!
We got Garrison back with only 4 people, first gate with a ram and the inner gate man-moded. It was glorious indeed! >:3
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Fun times!
Until my internet exploded and died. It was a fun time :3
- Battle Recap:
Bad Friday
Today was not a good day. We were too distracted, unable to stick together and travel as one pack. It was better to leave the battlefield, know when you are not in the mood for war.
- Battle Recap:
Morning run, getting dolys, sentries
But since my rank is still low I couldn't record the two towers our band of plucky heroes got :3
Lots of dolyaks and sentry points fell under our paws! >:3
- Battle Recap:
Awesome friday is awesome!!
It was very fun and epic. With lots of karma training until Blackgate went butt-hurt and decided to keep his stupid castle.
>:3 We fought nice fights and got lots of shinies! :D
- Battle Recap:
Huge Success!
It went so easy, smoothly! We finished it in way less than two hours in story mode :3
Great leader was great! Giving clear orders, watching the mewvies and enjoying the ride :3
- Battle Recap:
Successful Guild event was successful
This was a triumph.
I'm making a note here: HUGE SUCCESS.
It's hard to overstate my satisfaction!
- Battle Recap:
Kitty summoned russians!!
I got the mother russia angry and sent two random russian guys into our raidcall channel to show us the error of our ways. Also Necromancers are very fun in wuv wuv!
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Went boo-boo on our wvw event :c
- Battle Recap:
Hills Keep defense
It was very epic, we pulled it off and it worked! Kaytlin guided us to victory and she is very credit to team! :D
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Thanks John!
He went out of his way to cover Caitlin until she got in the game. It was a very good and fun run :3
Thanks John!
- Battle Recap:
Tyrian Avenure! :B
It was great, really. Thanks Fog and all the commanders who made this event possible and awesome! :D
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WvW Adventures
Fun runs looking for PoI, vistas and skill challenges. Good times :3
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Fractals :B
This was my first time in the fractals and Ryokka is awesome as a leader, very patient and she tastes like strawberries :3
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Thanks Aingeal
He had a terrible head-ache and led us into victory. Thank you for being awesome.
- Battle Recap:
She will pay
The broodmother glitched and left us without one of the events. But she will pay, oh yes she will pay! >:3
The rest of the event was made of fun, cows, awesome and shinies :3
Orvilaf, The Shiny.